Sunday, November 30, 2014

The Top 10 Best Wordpress Themes for 2015

The Top 10 Best Wordpress Themes for 2015

Top 10 Wordpress Themes
Top 10 Wordpress Themes

As it turns out every year designers seek new Wordpress themes in the market place to check out & vote on. Sites such as Themeforest which I am pretty familiar having the best templates for all cms platforms including the well known was Wordpress. I look at the top themes everyone once in a while to see which is the best, this year I am anxious to see which themese take 2015. Which Wordpress Themes will take the top 10 spots as being the best Themes for 2015. Wordpress has thousands of themes so it will be a tight vote.

If you haven't already head on over to Wordpress themes to check out the top 25 Wordpress themes as we enter into the new year. The site touches on several things that have to do with Wordpress Themes such as the themes themselves plus how each theme is unique & how every theme is different than the next.

"First of all, no theme is the same. The premium WordPress themes usually go further and have several more options implemented, such as a retina ready interface and integrated SEO. Most of these WordPress website templates also offer features like WooCommerce, which can become very useful to people who run an online shop of any kind." -

You can find more information about this topic on

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Thursday, November 13, 2014

Wordpress Releases New Blogging U Ebooks

Wordpress Releases New Blogging U Ebooks

Wordpress Blogging U Books
Wordpress Blogging Ebooks
Recently Wordpress came out with real time online courses titled writing 101 & writing 201 which were a huge success apparently. Wordpress just announced that both courses are free for download. Each ebook has something unique to offer the reader for example:

Writing 101: Build a Blogging Habit was initially designed as a four-week course. It includes 20 writing prompts, each with its own (optional) twist to push your writing in new directions, from improving your descriptions to thinking about voice and pace. In ebook form, now you can follow the course at your own rhythm and in any order you wish.

Writing 201: Finding Your Story, an intensive four-part course, focuses on editing your unpolished or unfinished drafts into compelling narratives. Loaded with advice and practical tips, this ebook will help you hone some fundamental storytelling skills, like creating powerful openings and writing engaging scenes.

You can find more information about this topic on Wordpress official website

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Will Polls help or hurt Google plus?

Will Polls help or hurt Google plus?

Google Plus Polls
Google plus + Polls
In spite of the fact that this subject is old (by simply a couple of weeks) I feel I ought to approach it as though the news simply broke yesterday. Will polls help or hurt Google plus, like it's competitors Facebook & Twitter, Google plus is continually progressing and transforming its platform. Rolling out improvements from small to large on what would appear to be a quarterly scale as the year progresses. Truth be told I recall when Google changed the design of Google plus and how upset I was when I first logged in. In spite of the fact that this is simply a tiny new feature I feel this could potentially put Google on the track to having users getting irritated with it. If I could have a chat with Larry Page I would tell him to ease off a bit before executing any more features... or not to make changes at all. I'm very much into continuity :)
But now on to the real start of show, Google Polls.

So, how does Google polls work?

Well first, there is the process of creating a poll. When you create a poll, you can include up to five responses for people to choose from. You can also add photos to help explain each choice.

Editing polls: You can edit the text of your question after you ask it, but there's no way to change the choices or photos. You also can't close a poll after you start it. But if you really want to take down your poll, learn to delete your post.

Adding photos: You can upload a photo from your desktop or device camera roll, pick a photo from your Google+ Photos albums, or find an image using Google Image Search. If you upload photos or select images using Google Image Search, we'll automatically create a private Google+ Photos album with those photos. Only you can see this private photo album, unless you share the URL of the album with someone else.

Deleting photos: If you delete a photo in this private, polls photo album, it will remove the photo from the poll itself.

Sharing polls: We want to make sure the results of private polls aren't shared publicly, which is why you can only reshare public polls. Also, if you reshare a public poll, you'll need to share it publicly -- you can't share it with particular circles or people.

Voting In a Poll

If someone creates a poll on Google+, you can respond to let them know what you think. If you don't want to formally vote, you can also leave a comment or +1 the post.

Credit for poll information goes to: