Sunday, August 31, 2014

Trending Hashtags in 2014

Trending Hashtags in 2014

Hashtags trending in 2014
Hashtags trending in 2014

Hashtags, I just recently began using these nifty little pieces of data when sharing my post. At first, I did not understand the rave, and why people where including them in every post and article in their blog. By definition Hashtag is a word or an unspaced phrase prefixed with the number sign ("#"). The cool thing about hashtags is that anybody (and everybody) can utilize them as a part of their post. One primary motivation to utilize hashtags is to be apart of mainstream trends that are occurring in today's general public. Wouldn't you like to know whats inclining on Twitter before the majority of your friends & followers? Analytics can tell you which hashtags are trending, faster and more accurately than any other service available today.

What’s Trending on Twitter?

Trending topics are those topics being discussed more than others. As Twitter explains trending topics, “Twitter Trends are automatically generated by an algorithm that attempts to identify topics that are being talked about more right now than they were previously. The Trends list is designed to help people discover the ‘most breaking’ breaking news from across the world, in real-time. The Trends list captures the hottest emerging topics, not just what’s most popular.”

What’s Trending on Twitter Right Now?

According to’s proprietary trending algorithm, here are the top 40 trending topics UP, DOWN and CONSTANT.

Click here to view 100 of the trending topics on Twitter.

"Credit for this post goes to"

You can find more information on Hashtags at our official website Sacramento SEO and Web

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Benefits of have a Social Media presence

Benefits of have a Social Media presence

Benefits of Social Media presence
Benefits of Social Media

What are the benefits of having a social media presence? There are many pro's to establishing an online presence especially if you run a business or company. If your in school, it's a great way to keep up with friends, & activities happening within your community. If your a business owner, the benefits can be even more rewarding by establishing an online presence you are able to inform your followers on the fly regarding updates on your business.

Social Media and Business owners

The simple fact there is no cost to share a post or tweet thousands (or hundreds of thousands) of people across the world is truly amazing! If you wanted to take it a step further, in most social media outlets there are options that let you use advance advertising tools which will allow users to run a marketing campaign. ( i.e. Facebook Ad campaign or Youtube Commercial Ads)

 In terms of affecting your site's position in the search engine, SEO Specialist advised that you have to both optimize and create great content so that you can be found.

Social Media allows users to broadcast your content out to an extensive variety of readers. Visitors who are interested then visit your page, subscribe, tell their followers, and link to your content . Both Google and Bing give careful consideration to social indicators like this when they choose how to rank websites in the page results.

 The thought is that Social networking is more like a mixed drink party than a professional atmosphere. You will surely make a better impression within a social environment when you choose to be yourself. Social Media is a great approach to show off your business personality, and additional info about you, your staff, place of business & more! . When you develop your business & brand in this way, it's easier for your audience to connect with you and develop loyalty.

Fundraising & having fun

Social Media can be used for more than business, but also connecting with your community for local events! Even today, there are many events taking place mainly online. Fundraisers take advantage of Social Media, The ALS ice bucket challenge ( #alsicebucketchallenge ) is all the rave this month. The ALS Ice bucket Challenge has already generated more than $50 million dollars for it's causes, like the battle against "Lou Gehrig's Disease"

To learn about Social communities on Google plus (+) visit our official website @ Sacramento SEO and Web Development

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Social Media Do's and Dont's

The Do's and Dont's of Social Media

Do's and Dont's of Social Media
The Do's and Don'ts of Social Media


According to Social Media made it's debut in 1969 by the commercial internet server of its time Copuserve. From there, the internet expanded from only the rich & high having access, to today where the internet is accessible to even the low income. It's true, Social Media has come a long way, continuously expanding from just sending emails and connecting with your audience through blogging to instant messaging to creating personal profiles with images & background information on an individual. As Social Media expands so does its use from connecting & maintaining a connection with long lost friends to doing business & even getting involved in a relationship. It seems there are no limits to how Social Media is used in today's society. However, like everything on god's green earth there are pro's and con's and Social Media is no exception. The Do's and Dont's of Social Media can be debated, but for the most part what I'm about to share today can be agreed upon by the majority.


DO maintain your accounts. Update daily, if possible. (But DON'T update so much that your posts become white noise.)

 DO share articles, videos, blog posts and other content that people in your target industry, or at your target organization(s), will find useful.

 DO promote yourself. Share your accomplishments, articles you've written, professional challenges you've overcome, etc. (But DON'T come across as a braggart. It's a fine line.)

 DO engage your peers, both current and future. Ask and answer questions, join conversations and groups, comment on others' updates, retweet, etc.

DO remember whom you are "talking" to. On Facebook, for example, you are sharing information with everyone that you have added as a friend. On Twitter you are sharing information with everyone… period. Twitter is a public network.

DO check – and be sure you completely understand – privacy settings.

DO present yourself with consistency. "Ensure your LinkedIn profile, Twitter bio and Facebook page show the same job histories and expertise," said Nicholas E. Kinports of innovation agency Maddock Douglas. "Cross-check against your printed resume and personal [business] card[s] – do all materials tell the same story?"

DO "network in fertile soil," said Dale Kramer Cohen, co-founder of IvyLife, a business networking community for Ivy League-affiliated professionals. That is, make sure you are interacting in trusted communities.


DON'T share too much information (TMI), especially information of a personal nature.

DON'T neglect to proofread your social media posts as carefully as you would your resume. "Just as it is important to have a resume free of errors, the same is true of any public writing that an employer may see," said Chris Laggini, vice-president of human resources for DLT Solutions, a value-added reseller of IT products and services. "Do your wall posts on Facebook consistently have spelling errors? The recruiter may see that as carelessness or illiteracy."

DON'T forget that people may have a different sense of humor. "What you may think is funny may sound obnoxious to others," said Karina Goldrajch, CMO and co-founder of GenMobi Technologies.

Please visit Sacramento SEO & Web Development for SEO tips.
The Do's and Don'ts of Social Media reference page

Friday, August 15, 2014

SEO Myths from Sacramento SEO Experts

SEO Myths from Sacramento SEO Experts

SEO myth Fact vs Fiction


Since the beginning of the Search Engines & SEO, people have speculated & passed along rumors about SEO & how it works. Rumors such as "All you need is to stuff your site with keywords" or "Creating great content is all it takes to draw in a crowd" if only it were this easy. Like many individuals I had to learn the hard way (I'm still learning about SEO) about attracting an audience & what makes boss hog (Google) want to rank my site over the next person. I find it absurd how some people think it's as simple as adding a title tag & including keywords in every line of sentence. Like my business partner says

 " Many web developers say they know SEO, but that is probably a gross overstatement. SEO is very tricky and sophisticated and you have to have a lot of real world experience before you know what actually works and what doesn’t work or may harm your ranking prospects."

While some myths may be true, here are a few that fall under best practices...

It's all about number #1 (ranking #1 on 1st page)
While its true, earning the top spot on Google is the goal it doesn't necessarily mean its end all be all if not attained. In fact, there are many sites that do well occupying second & third positions.

Social Media is Key

Social media is great to have, you can connect with your audience on a level we could not before. However, I would like to point out that everything serves a purpose with strengths and weaknesses and Social media is included. Although Social media will ultimately drive some traffic to your site, it should not be used as a substitute for SEO which is responsible for driving consistent organic traffic.

 Create great content is what it takes (Build it & they will come)

If fell for this once, and never again. Just because you have great content (text/images) on your page doesn't mean people will automatically trip over themselves to read & subscribe to your site. You must share your post with the world in order for people to know you even exist! Share & Share some more!

SEO is a magic wand that brings traffic and conversions!

Sure, you need SEO to generate traffic organically. But SEO is most effective when used simultaneously with Social Media, & Blogging etc. Think of it as "Voltron", the robots are strong individually but when they come together they are an unstoppable force!

Please visit Sacramento SEO & Web Development for more SEO tips.
SEO Myths from Sacramento SEO Experts reference page 10 SEO Myths Debunked by Bing's Duane Forrester

Monday, August 11, 2014

Join Sacramento Google plus Groups!

Join Sacramento Google plus Groups!

Sacramento Google Plus Groups

There is no I in team, and being apart of a group in google plus communities can be the best decision you could ever make for your business. Remember when the best form of advertisement was either on the television or the radio? I do. Not only was it expensive to run a promotional ad, you still had to calculate what time was best to capture your audience & figure out statistically how many individuals your message would reach. Thank goodness that's not the case today, now days everything (and I mean everything) can be done online. The internet is the saviour of small business owners & companies alike, not only can you advertise for free, but also reach a wide audience within a short time. We are bombarded with social media sites that allow us to promote & share our businesses on the fly Facebook, Twitter, youtube, & my favorite Google plus (+). Unlike Facebook & Twitter, Google plus is the newest kid on the block with a lot to offer. Don't get me wrong Facebook was great for advertising business, but because of Facebook's recent change in business algorithm many people are seeking an alternative (hence Google Plus).

Be apart of a community

Like most Social Media sites, Google plus allows user to create a personal profile that can be customized to a certain degree. What I like most about Google plus is the fact that anyone can join a community whether it be Health, Entertainment, Sports etc. My favorite is the Sacramento Google plus communities & Sacramento Republic communities, although they are both small I see a lot of potential for growth. Not only that, the individuals currently apart of the community are really nice & interact with one another and that's what being apart of a community is about! Once you join a Google plus community, always be sure to introduce yourself, you never know who might want to connect with you or who's watching.

Check out more blogs from Sacramento SEO & Web Development Enjoy!

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

What is SEO? The short version

What is SEO?

SEO is short for "Search Engine Optimization" It's the process of getting traffic from the "free," "natural," or "organic" ranking on major search engines. All major search engines, for example, Google, Yahoo and Bing contain such results, as website pages and other content like videos & local listings are shown, and ranked based on what the search engine considers most relevant to users. There is no pay requirement, as it is with paid search ads. Find more information about SEO & ranking at Sacramento SEO &Web Development official website.

Work cited (Search Engine Land)